How Do We Lean Into Times Of Uncertainty?

Sometimes we find ourselves squarely in the middle of uncertainty.

Maybe we’re waiting for a call back about the job we interviewed for.

Maybe we’re wondering how the bills will get paid or waiting for the doctor to call back with test results.

Or we could be wondering if our marriage will overcome a time of impasse and strife.

Situations like these can provoke a tremendous amount of anxiety.

How do we deal with this? 

I’ve been through many of the scenarios listed above and to be honest, I’m going through one right now.

Recently one morning I started to feel overcome by worry and fear. An unmistakeable calm clarity interrupted my thoughts.

“Yep. There it is. It’s a total mess,” I thought to myself.

In that moment a small transformation occurred. I moved out of fear, worry and trying to control my situation and into acceptance and trust.

As soon as I did this, I felt much better about myself and the issue. My attitude did a 180 and I ended up having a great day. I felt positive and upbeat and I could feel my light shining wherever I went that day.

The issue still remained, but I no longer felt burdened by it. I could allow it to unfold as it was meant to. I didn’t have to try so hard to fix it or control it.

I shifted my focus to simply being the best person I could be and placing my trust in something greater than myself.

I encourage you to look at where you might be grasping in your life and see where you can gently and lovingly let go and trust.

We are always being guided and we are never alone. Focus on taking the next step that’s right in front of you. And only that step. Try not to worry about what’s coming in a week or in a month.


It’s often during times like this, of not knowing and having all the answers that we are the most present.

It’s times like this that we grow quickly and are the most open. The ego is rendered ineffective and temporarily on ‘out of order’ status.

And what do we find in its place? Presence to what is. Alignment with our source. Trust that cannot be shaken. Our light shining brightly. Our essence, which is pure love.

This strength is not available for a limited time only, it is always there and we can tap into it at any time.

Yours in love and support on this journey,