When you value yourself,

everyone benefits from your light.

Do you realize just how awesome and unique you are?
How absolutely important and necessary you are?
Let me give it to you straight:

There’s only one you in this world, and that’s worth celebrating.

Sometimes we forget that we’re these magnificent, strong, beautiful, sovereign beings. So whether the struggle is on-going or you just need a reminder, I’m here to give you some tools to help you reclaim your inner strength.

While some people have no problem knowing their value, some of us are on the other end of the spectrum. We may spend a lot of our mental bandwidth steeped in fear, self-doubt or feeling bad about ourselves.

What exactly does it mean to know our value?
All this talk about valuing ourselves is nice and warm and fuzzy but what would it actually look like in everyday life? Let’s jump in!

You have high self-esteem. We know our strengths but also acknowledge and accept our shortcomings. We all have our “humanness”. We don’t need to expend mental energy feeling like there’s something wrong with us, because there isn’t! Realize that you are whole and complete just as you are. You don’t need fixing. The more we accept ourselves, the less we need to take ourselves so seriously and feel bad about our imperfections.

You know how you like to be treated and spoken to. When we’re unclear about who we are, what we’ll accept, or when our boundaries are too open, we accept anything that comes into our experience, even if it hurts or demeans us. We get what we tolerate. Let’s make sure it’s something that uplifts and supports us!

You know your core values. Who gets to be allowed into your inner circle? What are the traits you look for that tell you someone is trustworthy enough to open up to? Can this person hold space for you? Anyone who does not honor you doesn’t get to have access to the innermost parts of you. These are the non-negotiable qualities and traits that make up the foundation of emotional intimacy.

You’re confident in who you are. Recognize the contribution you make to the world, not because of your achievements or any external metric but because of who you are. Your spirit and your heart touch everyone you come into contact with. Appreciate who you are and know the difference you make in the world.

You see yourself as being equal to others. You don’t identify yourself as a victim, being broken or a doormat. You give yourself as much importance as you give to anybody else. You see yourself as being on equal footing and accept that everyone is a work in progress.

Remember, you have gifts that the world is waiting for and there are gifts waiting for you to claim them. Open up the wellspring of your unquestionable worth.


Sending you love and light,
